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YouTube videos featuring AirShaper content
Video Collaborations
World's FASTEST RC Car Project - Aerodynamics
The Gap Between Analysis And Reality
RC Top Speed Record Car Prototype V1
Aero insights of Robin Shute's new Pikes Peak racer
Towing rooftop WIND DEFLECTOR: Fuel Saver or Gimmick?
How I 3D Printed a Giant Wing for My One-of-a-Kind Porsche
This RC Dragster Uses a Fan for INSANE Downforce & Acceleration!
Robin Shute tells us about the new Pikes Peak racer he is creating
I Found the Most Efficient Propeller Design - Competition Ep. 3
Testing 12 Ultra Efficient Electric Boat Propellers
Wouter Remmerie, CEO and Founder of AirShaper, talks about Aptera
Silent Morning Flight Over a Cold Landscape (+ FLIK Wing/RCTestFlight Collaboration Updates)
RCTESTFLIGHT Propeller Design Competition Kickoff
It's Time To Make A Body For The Land Speed Car
Can this Pikes Peak Hill Climb winner be made even faster?
RC Hypercar Pt8 - World's Best Handling RC Car?
Building a pink omnidirectional submarine
CFD on Drone Propellers by AirShaper and Holbrook Aerospace
#F1 Aerodynamics Basics : Visualizing the FlowField Around an F1 Car
RC Hypercar Pt6 - Aeromapping
Testing Futuristic Propeller Designs on my Solar Powered Boat
RC Hypercar Pt5 - Topside Aerodynamics
RC Hypercar Pt4 - Extreme Aerodynamics
Why Some Cars Are Faster Backward
How to Get your Car Ready for an Endurance Race (and not blow up)
The Aerodynamics of Speed
Building A Race Car Frame: How To Not Die At 200 MPH
The ELECTRIC HUMMER projects 'coolest' video YET...
Fluid Mechanics 101 Podcast - Tidal Stream Energy with Wouter Remmerie (Episode 4)
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