AI Propeller Design Optimization

Using surrogate models and CFD to improve propeller performance

Using surrogate models and CFD to improve propeller performance
Aerodynamics are often a crucial factor for the performance & competitiveness of products. So how can you keep aerodynamic development at a high pace when budgets are cut?
CFD Software packages come in many different sizes, prices and performance. Using the right one at the right time can greatly speed up the design process!
Tesla has opened up the race for the most aerodynamic heavy-duty truck. Betterflow shares its vision on truck design innovation by 2032.
After having developed their own plane, CFD Consultants are now pushing ahead with an autonomous cargo version of their UF230. In this article, they describe the different simulation methods they applied to optimize the aerodynamic efficiency of the aircraft.
Building a career in aerodynamics, whether it is in racing, aviation, sports or other, is not easy. In this blog post, we provide you with tips on how to get started
A race car with the gorgeous looks of a 60ies racer and the tech of a modern supercar! Romance meets engineering is this blog post by Laurent Bohez.
This blog is all about Passion for Aerodynamics - We discuss anything related to external airflow, including racecar performance, wind loads on buildings and beyond. And we're not the only ones with a passion for aerodynamics - anyone with a Passion for Aerodynamics is welcome to submit a blog post for review!